Monday, November 18, 2013


By Edwin Cooney

As regular readers of these weekly wonderings and wanderings know, for some time now I’ve been searching for ways out of the social, political and spiritual culture war in which America has been engaged since the late 1970s -- and the way out hasn’t been easy to find.  Even more disheartening is the possibility that most Americans have come to really and truly enjoy quarreling with and berating their fellow citizens even as they sing “God bless America.”

The soul of our national discontent can, I believe, be found in the establishment of a myriad of intellectual and emotional domains from which we tend to view the rest of this imperfect society.

These domains I define as lofty bastions of intellectual, emotional and spiritual realms of superiority from which we tend to look down on most of our fellow citizens as we either take pride in our separateness or rue the lack of appreciation people at large extend to us.

Politicians, whom we both abhor and depend upon to do our bidding, invariably appeal to us as rulers of various domains for it is likely that you and I reside in more than one domain.

First, there’s the domain of the taxpayer.  Never mind fifth grade civics, everyone knows that every person should get his or her own way as a “taxpayer.”  Taxpayers are more knowledgeable than educated professionals, wiser than conscientious public servants, more worthy of consideration than our mothers, and more patriotic than any national leader – especially the president.  Once you’re a “taxpayer,” you are endowed with wisdom far beyond that of King Solomon of Old Testament fame!

Next, there’s the domain of the patriot whose view and assessment of other nations is always objective even as he or she asks God to bless America and to comparatively damn the rest of His created domain!

One of the most popular domains is that of the victim.  This domain was originally blessed by Marxists and radical liberals, but alas, conservatives who have traditionally whined about “victimhood” when it was linked to the poor now insist that affirmative action has created a level of soul-destroying victimhood borne by white Anglo-Saxon Americans – a victimhood far worse, of course, than any ever visited on a minority of any kind.

Domains of the oppressed inevitably dot the landscape of 21st Century America.  There’s the domain of the beleaguered gun owner who has little to sustain him or her except a trusty gun. There’s the domain of frustrated parents whose children are being educated by teachers who know less about teaching than they do. These parents would homeschool the kiddies except they’re too busy making quite a comfortable living. 

A really fascinating domain is hosted by a prominent talk show host.  It’s actually a sovereign entity known as “The Savage Nation,” a nation fierce enough to do the bidding of one “mighty Mike” (excuse me!): Michael Savage.

Almost as fierce as “Savage Nation” is Raider Nation of football fame.  Hmmm! A game between Raider Nation and Savage Nation might not only be entertaining, it would be downright compelling.  That game, without a doubt, would immediately make an Oakland Raiders football fan out of me.

Throughout that game I would stuff myself with more goodies and beer than Dr. Oz would advise. In addition to the “nations” or domains mentioned above, there’s both Cardinal and Red Sox “Nation.”  We’ve just recently enjoyed the ultimate contest between those two harmless but nevertheless expensive “nations” which was quite entertaining.

There’s also consumer domain in which the users of products and services have more weight than the inventors or providers of all goods and services.

Wisdom demands that I not forget the domain of the realist in which the dreamer is the “village idiot.”

The domain of the cynic is a must visit for the gullible believer who is convinced that there’s more good than bad in this nation or in the world itself!

Yes indeed, this is the era of the personal domain.  Under our republican (notice the small r) form of government, the people are sovereign and if domains are nothing else, they are invariably sovereign.  They inevitably form our individual dream worlds in which you and I are absolute ruler.

Every hope or fear, whether material, political or spiritual, invites you and me to create a domain that masters that fear or hope.  My personal bastion of righteous superiority is my weekly visit with you.  Here I’m the “lord and master,” the renderer of all praise, the pronouncer of all wisdom -- that is, until you stop reading these weekly wonderings.

Wait a minute! Is the world changing?  What’s happening to my dream…to my little domain of exclusive reality? Ah nuts! My domain is crumbling even as I write these words! Someone I’ve never met is being born.  Some opportunity I’ve never had is in the process of being created.  The nature of both peace and war are changing just as it would for our Founding Fathers if they were still living among us.  Somewhere out there is another Galileo, another Da Vinci, perhaps another Lincoln.

Oh, my God! Is that another Bill Mazeroski being born?  From the lofty heart of my New York Yankee domain I devoutly hope not!

I wonder, is your lofty domain real or is it merely a mirage just like mine?


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