Monday, June 28, 2021


By Edwin Cooney

No, I'm far from being anti-Catholic although I've never been a member of that faith. There are elements and entities within that religion that the rest of us would do well to appreciate more than we do. A former sweetheart of mine who is a retired Methodist missionary used to say, "Every time you hear Ave Maria, don't you wish you were a Catholic?" I heartily share that sentiment! I'm also proud of the Catholic Churches anti-capital punishment stance, although I wouldn't do to pro-capital punishment parishioners what too many bishops are currently doing to President Biden!

As I understand it, a considerable number of American Catholic bishops propose to deny President Joseph R. Biden, only the second Roman Catholic ever elected President, the right to receive communion in view of his "pro choice" stance regarding abortion rights. They apparently have the right to do this despite the opposition of Pope Francis, the reigning vicar of Christ.

What bothers me, aside from my general support and sympathy for President Biden, is what I see as the pure cussedness and meanness behind it. Being a political entity, President Biden is naturally and even rightly subject to personal judgments, attacks, and criticisms, but it seems to me that to bar him from his right to the Holy Sacrament is downright medieval. It's my guess that in the wake of this decision, the next act the bishops will take is likely to be a declaration of  holy heresy against the president.

Before I offer my strongest objections to the bishops’ apparent attitudes, I must state my feelings regarding "pro life" and "pro choice."

I'm convinced that had I been conceived in 1975 rather than in 1945 I would likely have been aborted according to my legal illegitimacy. Hence, on the one occasion when I had a direct say about the use of abortion, I rejected it as an option and I would do it again. Nevertheless, I see the right of choice as an option of the individual according to his or her understanding of solemn moral judgment. I can and do respect men and women who insist on their right to have an abortion. I could easily love a woman despite her outlook on that subject. I simply would oppose the abortion of a child I had fathered! As I see it, a child is the responsibility of two parents, not just one!

I have three objections to the potential denial of President Biden's right to Holy Sacrament.

First, I'm convinced that this movement is not strictly about religious writ or doctrine. Conservative Protestants and Catholic officeholders continue the search for some aspect of Joe Biden's character that will put him on an equal standing regarding the moralities of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Hence we have the charge brought by Tara Reade a former Biden staffer that Biden had sexually abused her back in 1993. Apparently, that charge hasn't stuck. However, some folks are still trying to lower the president's level of decency in the public mind.

My second objection is to some degree doctrinaire. My understanding that Christianity is about such characteristics as charity, forgiveness and "Amazing Grace.” Thus my question is obvious: Where's either the charity or amazing grace in the consideration of these Holy Bishops?

Finally, one of my personal quarrels with my fellow Christians is: where is the hierarchy of sins? Ironically, the Catholic Church at one time categorized sins as venial and mortal and perhaps even as "cardinal sins.” and that's the closest understanding of the hierarchy of sins I've ever known about! It's my guess that there's little likelihood that Joe Biden has ever indulged in abortion except agreeing with the proposition that the right of abortion is personal rather than governmental and that the extent to which government should get involved in abortion activities solely reflects the right of the individual.

In closing, it's my understanding that one of the first twelve human beings to receive communion from Christ in that upper room was an Apostle named Judas Iscariot! If Judas Iscariot was eligible to receive communion from Jesus (whom he was apparently about to betray), certainly Joe Biden is worthy of Christ's grace, is he not?

Perhaps I just don't understand what I ought to grasp. If you like, you can straighten me out!



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