Monday, September 16, 2024


By Edwin Cooney

Now that you've impressed millions of your fellow citizens of your ability to tie Donald Trump in knots, what's your next act of political mastery?

No matter what one is doing: eating apples from a forbidden tree, building an ark, consuming rice with chopsticks, or running for President of the United States, you've got to master your task!

There are many strategical paths to the presidency that if taken can bring forth victory.

Last Tuesday, Vice President Harris manipulated former President Trump so cleverly that he had to concede the popularity and even the practicality of "Obamacare." The Affordable Care Act was essential, Trump insisted, as a framework of a Trumpian health care plan which he deliberately maintained in order to build his own health care plan.

As for Mr. Trump's foreign policy, Kamala Harris told Mr. Trump that both Presidents Putin and Xi by using personal flattery will "...have you for lunch!"

Harris was sufficiently successful throughout the debate that those who haven't yet made up their minds who they ought to vote for, want to know more about the challenger and her plans in a way they were once curious about Mr. Trump's policies and plans.

Now the former president says that he won the debate and doesn't need to debate Ms. Harris a second time. He even implied that there's no need for a Vance-Walz debate in October. In 2016, Hillary Clinton already had a reputation which Donald Trump's audacious behavior eventually overwhelmed.

It's increasingly apparent to this observer that Donald John Trump is becoming exceedingly boring! Thus, 2024 marks the third presidential campaign the public has been fed Mr. Trump's insistence on his capacity to "make America great again!" American greatness is an ongoing expectation that ebbs and flows at home and abroad. American greatness is a judgment rather than a continuous degree of perfection.

Greatness is about achievement applicable to the continuous well-being of a majority of Americans.

David Brooks, writing in The New York Times last week, believes that we're passing through a positive culture change that is about to succeed Donald Trump’s culture of exhaustion and indignation into a new culture of expected togetherness and personal connecting.

Now that the former president, for his own both political and personal protection, is abandoning direct political combat, it's up to Kamala Harris to construct and travel her highway to victory.

Although there's seldom any doubt as to whom this observer favors, seldom do I offer an assurance. Hence, here's a certainty as of today. Should sudden illness overtake President Biden, Kamala Harris would not only succeed constitutionally to the presidency, she'd easily be elected President of the United States in her own right. Up until last Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, such was not the case. Today, minus a major error on her part or a major discovery of Biden-Harris administration "skullduggery," Kamala Harris could be "in like Flynn."

If Vice President Kamala Harris becomes "President Harris" before November 5th, 2024, she'll remain President Harris until Saturday, January 20th, 2029. Hence Mr. Former President, it's in your political well-being to pray for "Old Sleepy Joe!"

Early in 1942 with the United States now in the war with the Axis, Winston Churchill observed:  "This is not the end! It's not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. "

Kamala Harris, the rest is up to you!



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