Monday, May 20, 2024


By Edwin Cooney

This is an effort to pose a few questions that might be asked of the presidential candidates which would be helpful to voters in determining who they might vote for while they listen to the June and September presidential debates. I've decided to present them as though both men were sitting in front of me. Hopefully, one or two of these questions will dig below the surface of what each candidate hopes to put forward.

President Biden: A year or so ago you sent Vice President Kamala Harris down to Texas to monitor and make suggestions about the immigration crisis. At that time, you indicated that Vice President Harris was in charge of monitoring the immigration crisis. The public has seen little that’s positive from the Vice President insofar as the immigration situation is concerned. What resources and authority did you send down with her to help her with her assignment? You appear to have let her hang out to dry.

President Trump: Although as president you are the most powerful head of state on earth, what restraints does our constitution legitimately put on your executive authority?

President Biden: Please review for the American people the steps you took back in late 2021 when you withdrew American forces from Afghanistan.

President Trump: Please name a democratic leader now living for whom you have some respect or even regard?

President Biden: What constitutes the level of satisfaction and disappointment you're experiencing as you handle the crisis between the Israeli government and Palestinian sympathizers?

President Trump: Throughout your first term as you sought to do away with Obamacare, you promised a working alternative. However, you've never produced one. What steps do you plan to take to improve healthcare should you be re-elected?

President Biden: What is at the heart of our current immigration problem and what ought we to do to relieve the situation?

President Trump: On countless occasions throughout your first term, you encouraged your supporters to “believe that Hillary Clinton ought to be locked up.” However, neither you nor your attorneys general achieved that prospect. Why not?

President Biden: Is it your goal to reinstate the right to an abortion or is President Trump right that it all ought to be left up to the states?

President Trump: When do you expect Mexico to pay for the wall that we’re guessing you are still anxious to complete?

President Biden: Tell us why Vice President Harris ought to be re-nominated!

President Trump: Why do both Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping prefer your election over that of President Biden? Furthermore, how do you compare the Christian values expressed by most of your supporters with those of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?

President Biden: Why are the charges against President Trump about justice rather than merely about politics?

President Trump: How hard are you going to work to see that former Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley is convicted of and executed for treason?

President Biden: Explain to the public how and why liberalism differs from socialism.

President Trump: You’ve lately described yourself as a “political prisoner” rather than as a citizen answerable to a criminal indictment that by tradition considers you “innocent until proven guilty”? How does your insistence on that state of affairs differ from that which was once claimed by Black Panther leaders of the late sixties and early seventies?

Presidents Biden and Trump: Compare and contrast, please, the difference between political expediency and social justice.

Again, to you both: When may most Americans begin expecting a return to political civility on the part of their political leaders? How do each of you plan to bring that civility about? 

I end this with a bit of trivia: when were the last two times that presidents faced each other in a national election?

As the late great Casey Stengel used to say: "You can look it up!"



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