Monday, June 17, 2024


By Edwin Cooney

Donald Trump's secret is his knowledge of you and me. Mr. Trump knows a number of vital things about us that many, if not all of us, don't realize about ourselves. He really gets it that we want our problems solved, not analyzed, not negotiated. Nor do Americans want to be reminded of their past sins, be they native American genocide, chattel slavery, or religious bigotry against Catholics, Jews, Mormons, and, of course, Muslims. After all, we're the “land of the free and the home of the brave!”  

Many years ago, I was at a bar in Binghamton, New York. America was pretty content with itself as it had just elected Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society. Vietnam was a bother, but we had only about 100,000 soldiers playing “bang bang” in Vietnam's jungles. The Soviets were also a bother but they were an ongoing nettlesome problem even though Nikita Khrushchev had recently been banished. In the minds of many Americans, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King was a national hero and the winner of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. However, according to our then beloved FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover, Dr. King  was even more nettlesome than Khrushchev. Dr. King was himself a “Communist” according to Director Hoover. Having been a strong Goldwater supporter, I sat at that bar that night bemoaning LBJ's Great Society. Suddenly, the bartender, a not so gentle gentleman named Dominic, said, “It's a good thing I'm not running this country.” I remember wondering what would he want to do and how would he do what? For years, I've heard people at all points of the political compass advocate everything from a modern Constitutional Convention to doing away with the Electoral College to banning political philosophies and even religious faiths.

Donald Trump's secret is simple. The best way to put it is this: Donald dares! Other politicians explain, apologize, and, worst of all, pontificate. Donald simply does most of what he says he'll do. He wavers a bit on such topics as abortion timelines and health care, but otherwise he dares to dictate and millions are ready to buy it, provided it doesn't smack of Marxism.

As for his indictments of President Biden and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley on charges of treason, those indictments, should they occur, won't fly!

Mr. Trump never explains, because most Americans aren't looking for an accounting; they aren't interested in details. Others' civil liberties (not their own, of course) aren't either important or significant.

Like all presidential candidates, Donald Trump is about his agenda. Unfortunately, Americans are looking for heroes, not teachers. Just ask hero moguls from over the years how popular their heroes were throughout America! Whether their heroes were the Lone Ranger, Dick Tracy,  Matt Dillon, Superman, Marcus Welby, or “The Shadow,” they insist on a national hero. Even Ronald Reagan wouldn't fit this year. After all, Mr. Reagan was a mere “consensus” politician.

As for issues, solutions are both simple and straight as an arrow. Here are some issues with their solutions:

Civil Rights are no one's business especially that of the government. As for gender conflicts and ambiguities, those are spiritual not social or even medical issues.
As for the poor, Donald reminds us that Jesus said we'd always have the poor with us. Hence, their condition is their divine social and spiritual lot!

While generally subscribing to the Golden Rule, his attitude is that like kindness and charity, the golden rule comes from God and ought to be administered as individual charity not governmental or ideological largess.

Heroes give from strength and sense of duty. Politicians plead, promise and cater to the poor and elites alike.

Politicians are forever out in 21st Century America. Heroes are forever and ever in! Donald dares: that’s what makes him a hero.

Now you know the secret!!


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