Monday, September 10, 2012


By Edwin Cooney

No, I’m not writing about that delicious piece of steak you may soon slide from the grill onto your dinner plate right next to the buttered, salted and sour creamed baked potato.  I’m writing of that opportunity that only two men in this nation of over 300 million Americans (including roughly 150 million males) now have of being elected President of the United States of America.

Willard (Mitt) Romney and Barack Hussein Obama, both of whom possess some of humankind’s assets (pride, generosity, and awareness) and humanity’s liabilities (dogmatism, vanity and insensitivity) are on the brink of becoming the single most powerful human being at the head of humanity’s most powerful nation.

Although both men are considerably above average in intelligence, good fortune (any way you want to define fortune), energy, and ambition, it is likely that any two of us possesses a greater degree of all of the above than either man.

Thus we come to the root of the matter: we “the people” will decide which man it will be.  There are, of course, a bevy of political and social scientists as well as Phi Beta Kappa and hillbilly cynics who insist that some evil corporation or international force invariably manipulates us to elect a bought and paid for candidate. Nevertheless, until they come up with one hundred percent airtight documentation of such an assertion, don’t you believe it!

Since the sun rose over the east coast of the Continental United States that bright Monday morning of January 1st, 1900, we’ve only elected nineteen Americans to the presidency.  They’ve ranged in age from forty-three years seven months and twenty-two days  (John Kennedy in 1961) to sixty-nine years eleven months and fourteen days (Ronald Reagan in 1981 upon inauguration day).  (Note that Theodore Roosevelt was only 42 years 10 months and 18 days when he took office, but he succeeded to the presidency on the assassination of William McKinley and thus wasn’t elected to the presidency.)

As for education, all but Harry Truman had attended college.  All had been married with Ronald Reagan being the only divorced president.  (Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Warren Harding, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill Clinton all had extra marital affairs which means that the other thirteen presidents were faithful husbands.)  Eight of the nineteen men we’ve elected had no military service: William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.  All but William McKinley were fathers of living children. All but John Kennedy were of Protestant faiths.  Only one, Theodore Roosevelt, was born in New York City.  All except Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Kennedy and Obama were raised in rural America.  Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, who were fifth cousins (they shared a great, great, great, great grandfather), probably were raised possessing the greatest financial and social advantages.  Barack Obama was clearly raised with the smallest number of advantages.

The question therefore is which of the two combinations of personality, background and experience will we conclude is most likely to achieve the greatest degree of security, prosperity and sense of well-being for America until we elect another president in 2016.  Governor Romney comes from a background of devoutly religious principles and high expectations of ethical and practical achievement.  Professionally, his bottom line continues to be monetary profit.  President Obama’s religious and political principles, in part, come from black America’s struggle for respectability as well as achievement.  The value of public service rather than business acumen constitutes the president’s credentials especially after four years of experience in the White House.

For the next fifty-six days the backgrounds, achievements and personal integrity of both men will be under continuing attack.  It’s possible that, well before Election Day, large portions of the population will be convinced that one of these two men ought to be in prison -- not the White House.  This sad and degrading likelihood is only slightly mollified when one realizes that every president going back to George Washington has been so characterized.  George Washington may have been the man largely responsible for our independence from Great Britain, but he was also the first and only president to send federal troops into a region of the country to collect a federal tax (the infamous Whiskey Rebellion in Western Pennsylvania in 1794).

Those who believe that government is ultimately a business and ought to be run like one are likely to vote for Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan.  Those who believe that government is a legitimate tool of the people and ought to be run by and for them will probably vote to re-elect President Obama and Vice President Biden.

If however, once this campaign is over, you happen to realize that both Governor Romney and President Obama are men of high achievement, possess stellar personal qualities and are equal in their patriotism, then you possess a sentiment that is indeed VERY rare.


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